Personal Products
Residential Earthquake-Zurich

Product Info
In California, our Residential Earthquake Program through carrier Zurich offers two levels of policy coverage: Superior and Standard. View the downloadable flyer for details. Your clients will love deductible options at 10 or 15 percent and easy pay options; you’ll enjoy ease of quoting via our online portal and 10 percent commission on new and renewal policies.
Zurich American Insurance Company is an admitted, “A+” (XV) rated carrier by A.M. Best.
Coverage Highlights
- Dwellings: $75,000 minimum with coverages up to $10 million dwelling (risks over $5 million must be submitted to the carrier for approval).
- Condominiums: $25,000 minimum to $1,000,000 maximum contents limit.
- Swimming pools are covered under the Other Structures limit with no sublimit
- Loss of use coverage provided up to 20% of the dwelling limit with a maximum of $100,000 on the Superior EQ Policy.
- An optional “Plus” Endorsement is available for the Superior EQ Plus Policy, increasing the maximum coverage limit for loss of use to 20% of the dwelling limit with no maximum.
Target Market
- Dwellings and condos any age is acceptable for coverage
- No retrofit requirement or slope restrictions
- Residence types must be individual owned 1-4 family dwellings except for the condominium program
- Acceptable construction types include wood frame, steel and masonry veneer for Dwellings.Condo construction types include wood frame, steel, masonry veneer, reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry.
- Coverage amount must be equal or greater to the underlying homeowners dwelling coverage limit.
- All pre-existing earthquake structural damage must be repaired prior to writing coverage.
How to quote
This product is available on Arrowhead Exchange.
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