Specialty Products
Commercial Earthquake

Product Info
Our Commercial Earthquake Product is the only commercial earthquake facility able to offer over $350 million in capacity, with access to 20 carriers* rated “A-” or above by A.M. Best.
We provide the highest earthquake limits in the industry.
- Broad coverage, specifically designed for medium to larger commercial accounts
- Superior service with experienced underwriters
- Expedient policy issuance
- 25+ years exclusively supporting wholesale market
- Emphasis on fundamental underwriting
- Competitive and consistent pricing
- Competitive commissions
Coverage Highlights
- Available limits in all California zones
- Highest EQ limits in the industry
- Broad coverage
- Highest EQ limits in the industry
- Designed specifically for medium-to-larger commercial accounts
- Written on primary or excess layers or combination of various attachment points
- Minimum Total Insured Value (TIV)
- $10 million general property
* Steadfast Insurance Company (Zurich Group) “A+” (XV); Princeton Excess & Surplus Lines Insurance Company (Munich Re America Group) “A+” (XV); Lloyd’s of London “A” (XV); Hamilton Insurance Designated Activity Company “A-” (XIV); Everest Indemnity Insurance Company (Everest Re Group) “A+” (XV); QBE Specialty Insurance Company “A” (XV); Mercer Insurance Company “A” (X); Palomar Excess and Surplus Lines Company “A-” (IX); General Security Indemnity Company of Arizona (SCOR Re Group) “A+” (XV); Old Republic Union Insurance Company “A+” (XV); CUMIS Specialty Insurance Company, Inc. “A” (XII); Lexington Insurance Company “A” (XV); Trisura Specialty Insurance Company “A-” (IX); Transverse Specialty Insurance Company “A-” (IX); Spinnaker Specialty Insurance Company “A-” (VIII); Covington Specialty Insurance Company (RSUI) “A++” (XIV)
Target Market
Preferred construction types:
- Steel
- Wood frame
- Reinforced concrete
- Joisted masonry
Subject to review:
- Mixed construction, tilt-up (1976 or newer) and metal
- Older buildings okay based on excess attachment point
- Excess of tuck-under values
- Exclude flood zone A and V on primary accounts
- No poor soil conditions such as high liquefaction and bay mud
How to quote
Lew DeFuria, President 619.881.8560 | LDefuria@ArrowheadGrp.com
Jimmy Saldana, Senior Executive Vice President 619.881.8595 | JSaldana@ArrowheadGrp.com
Submission Requirements
- Named insured and mailing address
- Excel spreadsheet statement of values: City, State, Zip Code
- Construction, occupancy, year built
- Square footage of building, number of stories and buildings
- Breakdown of values
- Insured business description/operations
- Effective date
- Term requested
- Quote due date
- Limits, perils, coverages and deductibles requested
- Current layering and premiums
- Suggested layering
- Target pricing and TIV breakdown
- Loss history and any inspections or engineering reports